4 Tips to Manage Neck Pain at Your Desk JobFeb 12, 2025If your desk job leaves you with a stiff, achy neck most days of the week, you’re not alone — and we can help. Here are four ways to make work-related neck pain a thing of the past. Continue reading →
Rhizotomy vs. Nerve Blocks: What’s the Difference?Jan 14, 2025A nerve block injection and a rhizotomy procedure have the same goal: To stop persistent pain signals from a problematic nerve and deliver lasting relief. Learn how these two treatments work and when each might be recommended. Continue reading →
Am I a Candidate for a Nerve Block Procedure?Dec 09, 2024You’re dealing with chronic pain that doesn’t ease significantly with conservative care measures like rest, OTC pain relievers, and physical therapy. What are your next-level treatment options? It may be time to consider a nerve block. Continue reading →
How to Manage Pain After a Sports InjuryNov 07, 2024Engaging in physical activity can keep you fit and healthy, but it also boosts your risk of sustaining a sports injury. Here’s how to manage pain and promote healing following a minor sports injury — and when it’s time to see an expert. Continue reading →
Simple Ways to Manage ArthritisOct 15, 2024Millions of Americans live with arthritis-related joint pain and stiffness every day. If you’re one of them, we have good news: There’s a lot you can do to manage your condition and maintain a high quality of life. Learn more here. Continue reading →
Acute Back Pain vs. Chronic Back Pain: Know When to Call a DoctorSep 23, 2024Whether it lasts for a few weeks, several months, or longer, back pain can be a debilitating problem that saps your energy and reduces your quality of life. Here’s how to determine when it warrants a trip to the doctor. Continue reading →
Living with Fibromyalgia? Trigger Point Injections May Alleviate Your PainAug 07, 2024Fibromyalgia pain flares can be difficult, draining, and debilitating, but they can also be successfully controlled with the right approach. Here’s how trigger point injections work to alleviate fibromyalgia pain and restore a better quality of life.Continue reading →
How Long Does It Take for Whiplash to Heal?Jul 25, 2024Every year, millions of Americans sustain a whiplash injury — usually in a rear-end collision. Learn more about the various factors that can influence how long it takes to heal from this traumatic neck injury. Continue reading →
Men Are More Prone to Spinal Disc Injuries: Here’s How to Mitigate Your RiskJun 20, 2024Herniated spinal discs are a leading cause of chronic lower back and neck pain, persistent leg pain (sciatica), and impaired mobility or function. So, why are men twice as likely as women to sustain a disc injury? Find out here. Continue reading →
When to Consider a Nerve Block for Your HeadachesMay 17, 2024Do you have recurrent cluster headaches or severe migraine episodes that could benefit from next-level interventional pain management care? Learn how a nerve block works to provide instant relief that lasts — and find out how you can benefit. Continue reading →
5 Ways to Manage a Herniated Disc at Your Desk JobApr 16, 2024Conservative care is usually enough to heal a herniated spinal disc and resolve the chronic lower back pain, sciatica, or neck pain it triggers. Here’s how to ensure your office job doesn’t get in the way of your recovery. Continue reading →
Can Dietary Changes Help My Arthritis?Mar 07, 2024Whether you have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or some other rheumatic condition, you know how painful and limiting joint inflammation and swelling can be. Find out how the right dietary choices can help your condition. Continue reading →
All About Provocative Discography for Pain ReliefFeb 07, 2024Provocative discography is a diagnostic procedure to determine if discogenic pain — or pain emanating from inside a degenerating spinal disc — is the root cause of chronic back pain that doesn’t improve with conservative care. Learn more here. Continue reading →
Is Working from Home a Pain in Your Neck?Jan 11, 2024As anyone with a desk job knows, working on a computer all day can put you on the fast track to poor posture and chronic neck pain. Learn how forward head posture is hurting your neck — and find out how we can help you attain relief.Continue reading →
Oh, My Aching Joints! Dec 12, 2023Chronic, arthritis-related joint pain can impair your mobility, drain your energy, make you less active, and undermine your quality of life. If you’re ready to gain the upper hand over arthritis, our five-tiered treatment approach can help. Continue reading →
What's the Best Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy?Nov 07, 2023Nerve damage can’t be healed or repaired — it’s a permanent condition. But even though peripheral neuropathy isn’t curable or reversible, timely intervention is still crucial. Learn more about the best treatment approach here. Continue reading →
5 Telltale Symptoms of a Herniated DiscOct 05, 2023Herniated spinal discs are a leading cause of chronic lower back pain, leg pain (sciatica), and impaired mobility. They can also cause persistent neck pain and limited function. Learn how to spot the telltale warning signs of this common problem. Continue reading →
Optimal Diet Tips to Reduce Inflammation and PainSep 01, 2023Did you know that your diet has the power to ease or intensify the systemic inflammation that fuels your chronic pain? Learn how establishing healthier, anti-inflammatory eating patterns can help you find lasting relief. Continue reading →
When Is a Joint Injection the Best Choice?Aug 02, 2023Chronic joint pain can seriously limit your quality of life. And when other treatments fail to provide relief, it might be time to consider joint injections. Learn how they work and find out if they could be a good choice to relieve your joint pain. Continue reading →
Lifestyle Habits That Could Be Contributing to Your Chronic PainJul 01, 2023No matter what its cause or how it affects you, chronic pain can undermine your vitality and diminish your quality of life. Learn which lifestyle habits may be worsening your problem, and find out what you can do about it. Continue reading →
Can Physical Therapy Relieve My Sciatica for Good?Jun 01, 2023As one of the most common chronic pain problems in the United States, sciatica can be both disruptive and disabling. Luckily, it’s also highly treatable. Find out how physical therapy can ease your pain and help you get back to your active life.Continue reading →
When Is a Nerve Block Recommended?May 01, 2023A nerve block is a minimally invasive injection of anti-inflammatory medication that provides fast, short-term relief for debilitating chronic pain conditions. Learn how it works, and when we might recommend it as part of your pain management plan. Continue reading →
How Does Spinal Cord Stimulation Work?Apr 10, 2023Severe, chronic pain can take an enormous toll on your physical health, mental well-being, and quality of life. Fortunately, spinal cord stimulation can alleviate many types of pain that haven’t responded to other treatments. Here’s how it works. Continue reading →
Can Arthritis Be Reversed?Mar 07, 2023Nearly one in four adults in the United States has arthritis. If you’re one of them, you may be wondering how to ease your pain and improve joint function — or if there’s any way to reverse the condition altogether. Learn more here.Continue reading →
Why Can Pain from a Car Accident Be Delayed?Feb 02, 2023Car accidents may happen in the blink of an eye, but it’s not unusual for collision-related pain and injury to emerge hours, days, or even weeks after the traumatic event. Learn more about delayed-onset pain, and find out why it happens. Continue reading →
Why Your Posture Problems Are Literally a Pain in the NeckJan 27, 2023In a society that’s increasingly driven by screens, poor posture and neck pain are a common and interconnected problem. Learn how your forward head posture and hunched shoulders are hurting your neck, and find out what you can do about it. Continue reading →
How Do Nerve Blocks Work and How Long Do They Last?Dec 16, 2022If you have chronic or severe pain that drains your energy, limits your mobility, and impairs your physical function, a minimally invasive nerve block can provide instant, short-term relief. Find out how it works and when you should consider it. Continue reading →
Why Exercise Is Essential in Managing Arthritis PainNov 04, 2022Over 58 million Americans have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. If you’re one of them, you know how painful and limiting it can be. Luckily, regular exercise can improve arthritis-related joint pain and stiffness to help keep you moving. Here’s how.Continue reading →
Spotting the Warning Signs of a Herniated DiscOct 01, 2022A herniated disc can be a very painful and limiting condition. Find out what the warning signs of a herniated disc are so you can get treatment to ease your pain and improve your mobility as soon as possible.Continue reading →